Mama, I thought you would like them. And Dad, is that changey color effect something you would do in post production? Or are they just doing fun editing tricks?
I didn't have my camera so I can't post the usual tried-and-true blurry photo with light streaks that I enjoy so much. But you should watch that and you can have a mild understanding of the sheer pop ecstasy that they are.
And the bands before, Pandering and the Golddiggers and Das Pop were gleefully poppy as well. PATGD was something to look at, I will say that much. And Das Pop were really nice guys.
Other than that, business as usual. Well, I mean... I don't think I have a "business as usual" but I am trying to lead a relatively quiet life because the rest of this week is absolute madness. Joseph and I ate a "pub lunch," which consisted of roasted potatoes, broccoli and carrots, and roast beef slow simmered in gravy. Our repast was at a 750 year-old pub called Adam and Eve, . And we drank "true norfolk ale." Which was good, but only because it came with the meal. I would not drink "true norfolk ale" on its own. Give me cold, on tap cider anyday.
Sunday was a pub quiz and fireworks. Watch the british Office episode called "The Quiz" if you want to know what a pub quiz is... it's exactly like that. I think Aqua Teen Hunger Force has an episode with a pub quiz as well... and now that I have thought about that show, my mind is spiralling out of sanity. We didn't win, by the way. But I realized I know a lot about water, which is handy.
The next couple of weeks go like this:
Wednesday - Cambridge to see the Pipettes (more of that pop ecstasy I so enjoy)
Thursday - Traveling Circus in Norfolk
Friday - Halloween
Saturday - Monday - Amsterdam
Thursday, Friday - London
Saturday - Tuesday - Paris for Ariane and Vampire Weekend
Tuesday Night - Sunday - Erin visits!
Oh and I go to school too. Promise.
This is to answer the healthy eating question. Look at that! I'm eating an apple.
And as far as literary allusions, Father, Harry Potter was set in the late nineties, early zeroes, which is the England I'm experiencing. The literary allusions are indicative of a book based on a culture that embraces its past as well as its present. Also, just last post I referenced A.A. Milne and Kenneth Grahame. ALSO, shouldn't I take my audience into account? When was the last time you picked up James Joyce, Mr. I-Hate-James-Joyce's-The-Dead? ALSO, Jane Austen is spelled with an E.
I spent all of yesterday discussing whether or not Joseph was being a cad as defined by Jane Austen over a cup of earl grey. Verdict: no.
At newspaper production this weekend I totally forced people to watch Alphabeat music videos during our allotted slacking time. "Boyfriend" was the favorite.
Also, I still can't believe I'm going to see you! I still need to figure things out with Melissa in Leeds, but everything will work out. Happy Halloweek!
I figured that you KNEW that there were other English authors, it's just that you weren't mentioning any others on these pages. Also, it's embarrassing that I miss-spelled Jane Austen's name; I'll never lift a whole group of author's names from some random online english assignment again (at least, not without a cursory proofread. Lousy english teachers -- they expect you to spell everything correctly, but what checking their own work?).
Guess you didn't win that pub quiz...
That Alphabeat song is fun; it reminded me of some of the music from the eighties, like Katrina and the Waves' "Walkin' on Sunshine" and like that. And there's almost no "color-corrector trickery" in that video. I thought that they would have used a green cyc in the background and matched it to the costumes in post, but it looked like they painted it. Old school.
Sounds like you're going to a concert a day. Must be nice...
The song fits my mood perfectly since I am sporting Molly Ringwald's haircut (Pretty in Pink).
I love the song and want to see the entire footage of the choreography. Arrange that please.
Glad to see the apple; I'm sure you need vitamin C, too.
What is with the Joseph and Jane Austen reference?
Don't cast aspersions against English teachers (with a capital E btw). Don't they have enough to do correcting papers?
Hilary McKay is an English author, and I'm interested in reading her latest installment in the Casson canon. Maybe there is something that is coming out THERE before it comes out HERE (gentle hint). The newest book with Rose in the title is available here...something even newer. (a more direct hint)
Her characters were lifted straight out of the fishing children anecdote (btw). Maybe she doesn't have such a great imagination. (or maybe she does)
feeling paranthetical...
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