Today: wrote some of my play, watched Wall-e. Twice, maybe. I absolutely love this movie. Maybe I can relate... the traveler, in a new place, trying to tie himself to something he knows.
Wall-E had Eve on the Axiom. I guess I have... well. I used to have an iPod, which was a lot like Eve. Oh iPod! I miss you so! You were a lovely, lovely iPod, and now I have nothing to listen to.

That's like me, dreaming of my iPod.
Now all I have to listen to is the dreary, cold world.
I feel loads better. Today was what I needed. Wall-e, water, excedrin, soup, and salami sandwiches are great healers. But my mouth is all burnt from all the hot soup. I need some sort of spoon that has a heat senser that tells me if my mouth will be happy with the heat. Does such a spoon exist?
Christmas is coming. They finally turned on the lights around town. I'll take pictures when I get back and wow you all. It's like a Christmas card, but real life!
(oh, and no comments on the last post? have I lost you all with my long vacation betwen posts?)
I want Wall-E... I still haven't seen it....
"I need some sort of spoon that has a heat senser that tells me if my mouth will be happy with the heat."
Did you not learn from the movie you professed to love just a couple of paragraphs earlier???
Also, this from a person who doesn't appear to use another handy little gadget called "spell check"...
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