I completely forgot about the most important moments of yesterday... I wandered (purposefully) into the Creative Writing Society's first meeting. We did four or five excellent group prompts where we wrote about an opera-loving skateboarder, a cocaine deal made through blackmail, cowboys and space... I am going to enjoy that group.
Notable quotes:
-"I went to Essex, and thus developed a penchant for short skirts."
-"Sort of midgey."
"Ah. Midgey means tiny."
"Are you going to write that into your blog as well?"
When the governing board introduced themselves, they all said, "if you have any questions, you can find me in the pub downstairs."
Cowboys and Space: Serenity (and Firefly), and Cowboy Bebop, and the Steve Miller Band -- I bet none of these came up. Oh well. I like the opera loving skateboarder idea, kind of Neal Stephenson-esque...
I'm not sure if follow-up comments get e-mailed to you, but Serenity/Firefly and Cowboy Bebop both came up. Not the Steve Miller Band.
Do you already have the new Stephenson book? is it good? You should get a blog too.
Haven't read Anathem yet. Glossaries and appendices scare me. In my old age, I guess I shy away from challenges...Reading and re-reading some old Edgar Rice Burroughs (came free with my ebook).
Some Q's and Comments:
...and just what IS "wild wood"?
Looking around your blog and finding some interesting links.
Do you get to suggest plot scenarios?
Is the Orlando Bloom prop a candle from some kind of...altar?
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