Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hey Porter!

Some highlights:

-Paul... my uncle(?) giving me a tour of Paris with Johnny Cash playing in the background.

-Paul's theory on Parisian girl anatomy, featuring darwinism.

-A room full of Ariane's friends talking, drinking, switching funny hats and sunglasses and rapping along to Sugarhill Gang and Li'l Jon.

-A real crepe in a real creperie that was wizarding-world-like in its hideaway-ness.

-The constant banter between me and Ariane.

-Observing five friends talk amongst themselves in a language I don't fully understand on a slightly drizzled, yellow-lit Paris street.

Perhaps I should learn more french and settle in Paris. I definitely have a crush on this city - it could even be that we are sweethearts. Tonight, we listen to a wailing singer in a french bar called La Feline after a dinner with Hermelins...

1 comment:

Petunia said...

gonna pull a Sedaris?